Light of Pure Love

by | Feb 17, 2008 | Poetically Correct

O’ winged White Angel
Inhale my last breath
Draw me in close
Gently rock me to death
I have lived this hard life
My tale not to be told
Don’t scorn me of flight
Not one secret I’ve sold
I’ve been banished here
Since I fell to the Earth
Lord return to me wings
Lost at human birth
Empty me of red blood
It has been most defiled
Where I didn’t succeed
May I be reconciled
I’ll never be worthy
To peer into the Sun
Those who were chosen
Dreamt I to be One
Both relieved and sad
It is soon I must depart
Take away this memory
Rest this broken Heart
Thank you for Guardians
To my front and behind
Return me to pure Love
In the Light unconfined
Please take me back home
I release my Gray Soul
Only merging with You
Shall I be happy and whole.

Ciera S. Louise c. Feb 17, 2008

